lunedì 19 ottobre 2015


The symbolic interactionism is a theoretical approach developed in the United States of America, is a continuation in sociology and psychology of thinking pragmatist of William James. It focuses on the creation of meaning in life and in human actions, emphasizing the pluralistic nature of the society, cultural relativism and social standards and the rules of ethics and social vision of the self as socially structured. It mainly deals with the social interaction that takes place in people's daily lives.

The thought of George Herbert Mead over all laid the foundations of the approach of symbolic.
The mind develops in this process of interaction, that is, in society, which is a set of shared meanings. 
In action and behavior, then you have the origin of conscious psychic life so that even the private social explained by the memory.
Therefore, the basic principles of the symbolic interactionism is based on three premises:
1) Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings that these things have for them (these things can be physical objects, ideas, activities of others, situations, etc.).
2) The significance of these things is derived from social interaction that the individual has with others.
3) These meanings are processed and transformed into an interpretive process put in place by a person in dealing with the things he comes across.

The position of symbolic argues that the meaning that things have for humans is central in itself. Ignore the significance of the things to which people act is considered a falsification of the behavior being studied. Bypassing the meaning in favor of the factors believed to produce the behavior is considered a seriously neglecting its role in the formation of the same.
A major difference between other approaches and symbolic interactionism is offered by the second premise, referring to the origins of meaning: there are two traditional ways well known to explain their origin. One is considered intrinsic to things, natural part of their objective representation. Being inherent to the thing that expresses it, the meaning must only be made autonomous so they can look at it objectively it determines. The meaning emanates so to speak the traditional position of "philosophical realism". The other main consideration is on the traditional significance as psychic development contributed to what the person. This psychic development is treated as an expression of components of the psyche, the mind or the psychological organization of the person. Factors such as sensations, feelings, ideas, memories, motives and attitudes. The meaning of a thing is only the expression of psychological elements activated data in relation to his perception that they try to explain their meaning by isolating the psychological elements that produce particular. Interactionism symbolic shows that the meaning has an origin different from that of the two dominant visions. The meaning sees him arise from the process of interaction between people. The meaning of a thing arises for a person from the way other act against it with respect to that thing. The symbolic interactionism sees meanings as social products, creations formed and determined by definition activities carried out by people in their interaction.
Third premise: it is wrong to think that its use by a person is merely an application of the meaning of such proceeds. The use of the meanings carried by a person in your situation involves an interpretive process.

The dominant approaches have in common to see the use of meaning by the human being in his action as nothing more than something that arises and is applied on the basis of already agreed parameters. All fail to see that the use of meanings by the actor is determined through a process of determination. This process has two phases: the first, the actor tells himself things to which it is acting. The construction of such information is an internalized social process in which it interacts with itself. Second, the interpretation becomes a way to manage meanings. The actor selects, monitors, suspends, groups and transforms the meanings in the light of the situation in which it is party and its leadership. The interpretation should not be considered a simple automatic application of certain meanings, but rather an educational process in which meanings are modified and used as tools for the guidance and training of the action. The meanings play their part in the action through the process of autointeraction. The "original images" refer and represent the nature of the following issues: human groups or societies, the social interaction of objects, the human being as an actor, human action and the interconnection of lines of action.

A small example of Symbolic Interactionism may be a faith of marriage, is only a small item but it is very important for the person wearing it


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