giovedì 24 settembre 2015


In common language when it comes to institution it refers to organizations that include people and rules for their conduct or supra-individual as the state, the church, etc.
In sociology, on the contrary, the term institution are templates regulators ie a system of rules imposed by society to the social life of individuals (language, family etc.).
The fundamental characteristic institution is above the estrinsecità, that the institutions are perceived by individuals as external realities. In this respect, it is the work of Durkheim on externals of social facts that are necessary to individuals regardless of their will.
David Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist, social psychologist and philosopher born in France the 15 April 1858 and died November 15, 1917.
He formally established the academic disciplines and with Karl Marx and Max Weber is commonly cited as the principal architect of modern social science and father of sociology
A second aspect is the objectivity: the institutions are experienced by individuals as objective, ie there is a set of rules and correct conduct that characterize the institution, such as a person is correct and incorrect.
A third point is the first resulting from the coercive power of an institution, which means that the violation of the rules of an institution always generates a reaction, that the sanction. Breaking a rule of language could lead to different degrees of punishment: a bad grade at an exam to a moral condemnation within a group of people.
A fourth aspect is the dynamism of the institutions: the set of rules and standards founding an institution is not frozen in time, it is continuously retracted and modified through social practices. So, for example, the language of our grandparents is different from the present-day text messages.
Another key feature of the institution is the tendency to the legitimacy (what Durkheim called moral authority) since the establishment does not require the individual only for the simple fact that through the penalty is seen as a duty, but also because It is experienced by the individual as desirable (the social fact of Durkheim that can be summarized in the formula of "I have" both in the sense of duty and in the sense of desirability).
A final aspect that characterizes the institution is its historicity, which has a history through which it is possible to retrace the changes and deal with comparative analyzes.

The task of the institution policy is the social control, in most cases, companies assign to the State organ function attendant to social control.
Despite every society as primitive, he has known forms of social control, to state means '' Modern Society '', which is the permanent residence of a people in a territory and the consequent development of a government.
From the sociological point of view the state has two major social functions:
- The imposition of standards: the State has the social task of transforming social norms into laws, trying to ensure the correct observance of the rules and laws.
- Programming and direction: the state program and coordinates both public life relations.
The state's economy is engaged in production, distribution and consumption of resources.
Example's of economy based systems are hunting, gathering, farming, agriculture and livelihoods. Still the dominant economic model is the capitalist economy and industry.
The state also acts sociocultural providing the individual the possibility to be able to integrate into a society.


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